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    May 2024
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The Economics of Halloween Candy

Are you stocking up on Halloween candy yet? I used to love Halloween. It was the only time there was a lot of candy in our house. You know that is the focus for kids, right? Also, it doesn’t matter how much you are trying to impart the deeper meaning of the traditions behind various holidays, here is the way kids think: Easter = chocolate bunnies, Memorial Day = s’mores, Independence Day = ice cream, Halloween = candy, and Thanksgiving = pie. Christmas is special though. Christmas = presents.

But getting back to Halloween: Mom used to tell us a story of a politician in the making. Once after the annual neighborhood candy shake-down (saying “Trick or treat” is actually a threat, you know) she heard our five-year-old brother Ronnie dividing up the candy with his cousins, David and Danny. Like this:

  1. Ronnie, to David: “One for you and one for me.”
  2. Ronnie, to Danny: “One for you and one for me.”
  3. Repeat until the candy is gone.

Is not that an excellent example of a politician’s definition of equal division of goods!

Probably the five-year-old actually thought he was being fair, and I’m sure Mom corrected the situation.

Still, it seems the kid had a career path chosen at a very early age.

Don’t miss the rest of the Stories My Family Tells as I Write 31 Days this October. Click here to check out the wide range of topics from a wide range of writers.